
Does this information have any relevance outside of South Park?

does it matter whether it does or not? Selphie 13:33, 16 Aug 2004 (UTC)

The part about the rumored apple projected codenamed Marklar is presented as fact, but I'm pretty sure apple never acknowledged it. Should it be linked somehow with Star_Trek_project? Leif 07:03, 26 Aug 2004 (UTC)

This catagory is representative of the complexity of our culture...

or lack thereof. It shows what we (Americans) care about most--entertainment. We take it more seriously than political theory, which this country was built on. It was, after all, a large-scale social experiment. But whatever. No one cares anymore.

Nevertheless, it's just as important to document culture as it is to document the science and theories produced by the society of said culture. It would make more sense to seperate culture-related information with respect to which culture the information came from (in this case, USA).

...did that make sense?

no, not the first part, we is not only "Americans" it goes for Europeans and other cultures too. Don't think POV. 21:25, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

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