Talk:Magnus Carlsen
If anyone has any better ideas on how to format the sample game I just added, please feel free to mess around with it. I'm not aware of any particular conventions on Wikipedia for formatting chess games given with annotations. --Malathion 17:59, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- You can have a look at Category:Chess_games ( to see how some other people have done it. Additionally if you look at Immortal game at the bottoms there is a link to a .pgn of the game which is also described in the article. The link is to which is I think diffrent form how files that get directly upladed here work. I have been investigating this in spare moments to try and figure out if you have to use wikicommons or can use wiki[edia directly for this. When I get it figured out I think I am going to add pgn files for all the atricles in that category, and possibly also for Category:Chess_openings ( where approprate. Dalf | Talk 20:49, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
At least on the FIDE Carlsen is Norway's number five, not number two - see the FIDE site at [1] ( (note that the page will update as the rating list updates, so he might eventually be shown at number two, but at the moment he isn't). I'm assuming Norway has their own rating system as well - if so, he may well be number two on that list, but in that case the Norwegian list needs to be specified (that said, [2] ( seems to suggest he's actually number seven on the Norwegian list, though as that page is in Norwegian I may be misunderstanding what it is). --Camembert 21:13, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)
If it is a wikipedia convention that articles should not be in a category and a sub-category then:
- I would like to see where this polocy is discussed (FOUND)
- From Wikipedia:Categorization#Categories_applied_to_articles_on_people (
- But sometimes there's a good reason to assign an article to two categories, one of which is a direct or indirect subcategory of another. For a well-argued case study, see John Lennon.
- Most of wikipedia needs changing including -
- Entries for all of the states in the U.S.A. (ex. Missouri is in Category: missouri as well as Category: U.S. States though Category: Missouri is a sub-category of the latter.
- Category: Chess is another example (though not as good as someone did think to remove several categories which I put back. I mention it because there is relavent discussion on the talk page.)
- More too come
The problem is some times a article should be visible from both levels. For example Category: Chess is a sub category of multiple others even ones that are in the same tree because people expcet to see Chess in Category: Board games. Dalf | Talk 23:25, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)