Talk:Magnolia (movie)

I thought since the main theme of this movie is the unlikely connections between the characters, it would be interesting to list what those connections are. That's why I feel the table is justified, in case anyone thinks about scrapping it. I added as many of these connections as I could think of off hand, and I know there is still a lot there that I can't think of at the moment. It is probably possible to fill up the whole table (above the diagonal).

I know all this effort might seem silly, but in my opinion this movie is truly an epic. CyborgTosser 07:13, 30 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Does anyone know what those firefighting airplanes are called? Is there an article about them except forest fire? CyborgTosser 07:15, 30 Jun 2004 (UTC)

I just added more about the plot of the film and some further insight on the ending. Also, I started a themes section... I've seen and thought about a lot of different themes and I'm sure that this section could be filled up.

I didn't want to touch the table (too much work has been done with it so far), but it doesn't look very appealing in the article. A table would be a good way to present the character relations, but it has to be a big table. Can anyone think of a cleaner way of presenting that?

BTW CyborgTosser, I agree. David Lynch may be a master of composing a film that you can watch over and over again and still see new plot points, but Paul Thomas Anderson is the master of creating films that you can still see new ideas and themes.

I just corrected a few typos and made minor changes to wording in a couple of places. I deleted reference to Turston, as he's not mentioned anywhere else, but added that the bartender's name was Brad. Couldn't resist adding the "We might be through with the past..." line!
The table is, imho, an good addition and a way of helping understand the complex weaving of relationships between so many characters. I agree with you about the epic nature of the film, although it's a view not shared by many casual moviegoers.
Agendum 09:38, 13 Jul 2004 (UTC)

three factual events?

as far as I know, the events detailed in the introduction are mostly urban legends, not actual events. 15:12, 5 Oct 2004 (UTC)

It's a shame, but it's all fiction.
Agendum 22:42, 13 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Stumbled in while creating a Jon Brion article - nice work, guys! I like the table, too. I created a separate Music section with info re: Aimee Mann's contribution, etc.; hopefully the order is OK. Also a few spelling fixes, the biggest of which was Jim Kurring's last name.

I am concerned that this isn't really an "independent" film in the true sense of the word; I believe Anderson had a contract with New Line (the studio he did Boogie Nights with).

BTW, I recall reading somewhere that the hypothetical scenario of the "attempted suicide/successful homicide" actually WAS presented at a forensic science conference, as is stated in the movie.

Of course you're right about it not being an independent film. I removed that word from the opening description and added an explanation of how it is stylized like an independent film later in the paragraph. I'm concerned it may be a little too wordy for the introduction.
As for the factuality or otherwise of those events, I've had trouble trying to verify either way. Every hit I see on google is talking about the movie. [[User:CyborgTosser|CyborgTosser (Only half the battle)]] 06:15, 28 Nov 2004 (UTC)

snopes discusses two of the three supposed factual events and concludes that they are indeed "urban" legends.


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