Talk:List of civil engineers

Is it really necessary to add that bin laden character to the list of famous engineers? Although he may or may not have an engineering license, he isn't famous for contributing to the world of engineering.

I vote to remove him from the list.

I had put him on the list, because I think for understanding the tradgedy of 911 it makes sence to know bin ladens profession and it would remind that every knowledge is possible to use for good and bad thinks. The list is not for good guys only, bad people should be listed as well. Why should be this list only for "contributing the world of engineering"? 911 and civil engineering, this is not an accident - there is a link between it. Every civil engineer knows how long a fire can burn before a building collapse - but I was not prepared and shocked that someone used this knowledge against the people in that dimension. There is a need for more selfcritical view about critical infrastructure. His name on this list would stress this. Sorry to haven't wrote this explaination directly. RobertMichel 00:55, 7 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Its a fact that he is a civil engineer. We can't change that, nor ignore it.Ark30inf 00:57, 7 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Bin Laden: As a college student, he studied business and project administration. He also earned a degree in civil engineering from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah in 1979, possibly as preparation for taking over parts of his father's extensive construction and civil engineering business.RobertMichel 23:14, 7 Oct 2003 (UTC)
I vote to put him back - it is of general interest that he is a civil engineer, in the same way that the fact that Slobodan Milosovic is a psychiatrist is interesting.2toise 11:45, 23 Oct 2003 (UTC)

It looks like the concensus is to put him back - are there any objections?2toise 11:56, 1 Nov 2003 (UTC)

He should be in the list as he IS a civil engineer. But should he be under 'B' or 'L'? AFAIK 'bin/ben' means 'son of' and 'Laden' could be considered as his last name. Anyway.... a similar argument holds for 'Curtis LeMay' and 'William LeMessurier' (should be under 'M'), 'Ferdinand de Lesseps' should be (and is) under 'L'. Not to mention the 'Mac..'s as 'John MacAdam' (should be under 'A').


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