Talk:First Fandom
Does it mean before 1939 (i.e. up to and including 1938), or does it mean up to and including 1939? -- Oliver P. 04:04 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
Yes. -- Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 04:14 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
P.S. The rules vere successively relaxed, as attrition ate membership.
- "Yes" doesn't make sense in reply to an either/or question... -- Oliver P. 04:38 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
- I interpret the P.S. to mean that both interpretations have been correct, one after the other. Am I right?
— Paul A 09:48 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
- I interpret the P.S. to mean that both interpretations have been correct, one after the other. Am I right?
The first external link doesn't work for me. Is that just me, or has the website disappeared? The second leads to a page which says, "Its membership is restricted to folk who indulged in any sort of fanac before 1938". Which to me means up to and including 1937... -- Oliver P. 07:08 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
On the former point, let me get back to you later. On the latter point, I can tell you they are flat out wrong. (or living in an alternate universe) I will take a serious stab at getting a Cast Iron Reference for you, now that you have "challenged" me :) -- Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 07:47 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
- Cool. :) (Oh, I don't know why I get caught up in these pedantic little details; I'm sure there must be better things for me to find out about...) -- Oliver P. 07:49 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
Btw. Google lists our article as the number seven hit. :-D Oh, joy. The cached page is an one sentence stub before I started working on it :-/ Oh, well. I wish I knew the trick for getting it on the wikipedia top ten google list. --Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 08:14 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
- Wikipedia:Top 10 Google hits, A-K and Wikipedia:Top 10 Google hits, L-Z are the pages you're after. I've just added this article to the first of those pages - along with two articles which I started myself. :) -- Oliver P. 13:47 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)