Blonde, anyway? I think blonde on an adult male looks ABNORMAL! By the way, does PETER JACKSON hate Faramir? Who would dislike Faramir anyhow? He's against war, sweet, and helpful (Well, he was nice to Frodo and Sam!), and I like that on a person.
Okay, I agree that Faramir was abused througout the movie series. But what Peter Jackson really tried to do was to tear him away from Eowyn so she'd like Aragorn (apparently).
In summary:
Eowyn + Aragorn = NO WAY HOZAY!
Eowyn + Faramir = YES!!!
Aragorn + Arwen = YES!!!
Hehhehheh...sorry. Well, and there is some rumor Sam and Faramir are the same age. NO WAY! SAM IS OLDER!
In summary:
Sam: age 39
Faramir: age 36
39 > 36
Hehehehe...I love anyone who is nice like Faramir. Besides, Tolkien probably intentioned for Faramir to be totally different from Boromir. Most of the time when Faramir was very little, his mother Finduilas cared for him, but Denethor hated Faramir (this has a little bit to do with Cinderella, I think, as Cinderella's stepmother hated her so much), and when Finduilas died, Boromir protected Faramir. And without Boromir, Denethor could have made Faramir do work all day and wear old torn-up clothes.
So you have it. Denethor was cruel to Faramir, and Boromir defended Faramir.
Okay. Well, here's a family tree.
Mardil Imrazor = Mithrellas
: :
Turgon :
| :
Echtelion II Aglahad
| |
| Angelimar
| |
| Adrahil II
| |
| -----------------------
| | | |
| Ivriniel | Imrahil
| | |
| -------------- -----------------------------
| | | | | |
Denethor II = Finduilas Elphir Erichion Amthoros |
| | |
| Alphros ---------------------
| |
| Éomer = Lothiriel
------------------- |
| | --------
Boromir Faramir = Éowyn |
| |
Elboron Elfwine
... right. Anyway, was Faramir actually the Steward of Gondor at anytime? The brief interlude between Denethor's death and Imrahil's appointment? Considering he was unconscious the entire time, I doubt it. Oberiko 18:54, 16 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- It was sort of a technicality. But Faramir was the one who passed over the crown to Aragorn, and he retained the office of Steward afterwards, although it returned to its earlier function (that of advisor to the King, although it was probably mostly an honorary title since Faramir didn't even live in Minas Tirith). --[[User:Aranel|Aranel ("Sarah")]] 19:00, 16 Sep 2004 (UTC)