Talk:EgyptAir Flight 990

NOTE: The text on this page was taken from the Egyptair article. WhisperToMe 22:27, 16 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Anyone noticed that the numerology and conspiracy sections are significant longer than the facts presented? --Andylkl 09:39, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Is that Numerologic portion NPOV? It certainly doesn't seem so to me -- but that's probably because I see it as irrelevant.


The numerology section has no citations (particularly for the Atta quote) and appears to be original research. Is there any reason to keep this section? ElBenevolente 05:16, 16 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I have removed most of the uncited numerology section. If anyone wishes to add, please provide source material. ElBenevolente 16:08, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Re-adding the material. It is linked to from, which is a website run by one of the candidates for Governor in the California recall election of 2003. The candidate, Mr. Gorman, was also a candidate for Mayor of San Bruno, Ca in 1991 when Mr. Jack Coles of San Jose claimed that Northern California would have a major quake on or about September 11, 1991. Attempts to obtain official documentation that the information regarding Al-Qaeda numerology was in the possession of the government is likely impossible, because of Sandy Bergers either accidental or deliberate removal and destruction of documents related to threat assessments and strategies for interdiction and public policy on dislosure with respect to the millenium problem.

Lazarus666 18:35, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Yedah, but so what? It has no clear connection to the flight. You could arguably start a page about these theories and how some people believe they apply to certain events such as this, but it doesn't belong here; what we need are more facts. --ProhibitOnions 22:03, 2005 Jun 15 (UTC)


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