Talk:Education in Australia

Hi everyone! This page is slowly starting to take shape, although I see a few problems with it. Firstly, different states have different lengths of schooling. Here in WA, kids go to kindergarten, then pre-primary, then primary school for Years 1 to 7, then to high school from Years 8 to 12. Only a select few private boys schools start high school earlier than Year 8. Can the article be modified to reflect this? - Mark Ryan 11:54, 8 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Be bold and take the lead! --Menchi (Talk)â 11:57, 8 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I'd like to see more information about the different types of Catholic and private schools in Australia. I thought there were two categories of Catholic schools: "systemic" and "private", with systemic being run by the church and changing low fees. Further, I think there's been a substantial growth in low-fee "independent" schools (obviously they're private, but don't have the eliteness that goes with that word), and there are hard-core religious schools (Jews, Muslims, etc.). My knowledge of all this is extremely shaky, NSW-specific, and thoroughly incomplete, so I couldn't possibly contribute to the article. Hopefully someone can. -- Gavin Sinclair, 2 March 2005

In South Australia, the first year of primary school is called reception, followed by years 1 - 7, then years 8 - 12 are taken in secondary school. The first section of this article makes it sound like everyone but New South Wales uses the Victorian system. -- Troyac, 1 April 2005

Also, the majority of Law degrees are undertaken as combined degrees and yes, there are ample places for students finishing year 12. The LLB on its own, is usually taken after an initial undergradauate degree and credit can be gained.


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