Talk:Chess terminology
I've removed this from the fianchetto entry:
- Considered dubious by some as it clusters the rook-bishop-knight trio; thereby severely restricting their mobility, especially early in the game.
I don't see how fianchettoing the bishop restricts the mobility of the knight or the rook - both can be developed just as they could if the bishop had been developed elsewhere. I don't know of any writers (not modern ones anyway) who consider fianchettoing in general to be dubious (but of course, it isn't always the best way to develop the bishop). --Camembert
Double check was mentioned as only possible by discovering a check by moving a piece which also gives check. This is incorrect, I put the archetypal counterexample in: (small letters=black, capital letters=white)
black has just played the pawn from e7 to e5 (in reply to check by white bishop). Now white playes pawn takes pawn en passant which gives a double check by rook and bishop.
- Thanks for fixing that - you're quite right of course. Since I think it's better to stick to quite short explanations on this page with more detailed reserved for separate articles, I will probably move the bulk of what you've written to a new double check article (and prettify the diagrams) later tonight (unless somebody else gets there first, that is). --Camembert
About this:
- Dumbbells: Two pieces which mutually defend one another, particularly a bishop placed diagonally in front of a pawn of the same color.
This is a new one to me. I can't find the word "dumbbells" used like this in any of my books, nor anywhere on the web. Could somebody give a source? --Camembert
- No reference forthcoming, so I've taken it out. --Camembert 15:17, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
Armageddon: "White also has less time than black ... White has six minutes, Black five." This sentence appears to be internally inconsistent. Could somebody who knows what they are talking about fix this?
- Fixed. --Camembert 15:17, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
King's tomb
I've removed the King's tomb entry but saved it below with a spelling correction. I'm not familiar with King's Tomb. It isn't part of the standard rules of chess. If this is a fantasy variant or a chess problem, it should be clearly explained or put in chess problem terminology instead. Quale 21:23, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- King's Tomb: A move that may only be performed once per game, wherein a player may exchange the positions of his king and any other piece he has on the board (including his king). Only Black may perform this move.