Moved from the article
Bulldozers can be found on large and small scale construction sites, mines, roadsides, military bases, heavy industry factories, and large governmental projects. They can also be found in the middle of libraries and city halls of towns with poor zoning regulation.
(regarding some guy who rampaged a small town in Colorado, USA with improvised armored bulldozer because disputes with town hall [1] (
MathKnight 15:38, 5 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Well, not so much improvised - he spent two* months covering it with armor plating. DS 18:04, 5 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Actually, closer to eighteen months.
Well, he worked hard on that armor but he wasn't a professinal. The armor did stop bullets but failed to prevent overheat in the radiator - what which stoped the bulldozer. So - it was not bad improvised armor, but still improvise. I wonder if it can stop RPGs or other anti-tank missiles. MathKnight 17:19, 30 Jun 2004 (UTC)