Talk:Baseball Hall of Fame

We now have two different numbers (252 and 254) for current members. Anyone know which is right? Cunc?

Today the Hall of Fame is a large, modern museum, governed by the laws of the State of New York that regulate museums. [emphasis added]

Why is this an important piece of information? --Charles A. L. 16:00, Dec 22, 2003 (UTC)

The 10-year eligibility rule was also waived for Addie Joss, but of course, many years after his death. Does anything know more about how it happened? Varitek 18:12, 18 Aug 2004 (UTC)

According to his HoF bio (, Joss was elected by the Veteran's Committee. The waiver is worthy of some note in the article, IMHO, so I've worked it in. Have any other inductees (besides Joss and Roberto Clemente) had a requirement waived? - jredmond 18:31, 18 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Nice one. No, as far as I know, those were the only two for whom the rules were bent. Varitek 18:57, 18 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Thanks.  :) As it turns out, though, the BBWAA held a special election to elect Lou Gehrig in 1939, even though he had only retired that year and had not yet succumbed to his disease; and the rules for election ( stipulate that the five-year requirement is automatically waived for players who die while active or within five years of retirement, so Roberto Clemente's election doesn't necessarily fall outside the normal procedure.
I think that rule postdates Clemente, and was introduced soleky to stop Clemente being a special case. I'll see if I can find it in the Bill James book.
I'm still digging here, and will be making more changes as I find stuff. I'm also thinking about pestering the Hall's research department to look through the article and check for factual accuracy. - jredmond 19:44, 18 Aug 2004 (UTC)

the clemente bit makes no sense, the 5 year rule was obviously waved for gehrig also, am i missing something or is this just someone with an agenda?


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