Talk:Baroque chess
There's a bug in the last diagram. This situation cannot occur; white long-leaper at c8 threatens black king at d7, so it's check. And it's white's move.
Long-leaper could simply capture the king.
- Sharp eye. I'll fix it when I get a chance. --Fritzlein 04:14, 24 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- Image replaced. --Fritzlein 23:58, 5 Jun 2004 (UTC)
- Redo the diagrams with a-h/1-8 coordinates for those unfamiliar with them
- Move the bit about what the page used to say to the talk page and rewrite the beginning (which I don't see a good way to do right now, or I'd be bold)
Tualha 21:23, 11 Dec 2003 (UTC)
There's no reason to point out that this page was previously incorrect. However, I don't know enough about this game to make a smooth introduction in its place. Anyone? --cprompt 02:42, 7 Jan 2004 (UTC)
I have never read the Fairy Chessmen, because I can't find a copy. C. L. Moore is actually my favorite Science Fiction author. However, I seriously doubt that the author of this page is correct in attributing the creation of Ultima to Kuttner and Moore instead of Robert Abbott. First of all, Robert Abbott claims on his own website to be the inventor of Ultima. Second, if Kuttner and Moore had created Ultima, I would expect this fact to be as well known as Edgar Rice Burrough's creation of Jetan, the chess game described in his novel Chessmen of Mars. I suspect that the author has made two mistakes. The first is to equate Ultima with Fairy Chess. The second mistake is to attribute the invention of Fairy Chess to the Lewis Padgett novel. The truth about Fairy Chess is that it is a commonly used label for the vast spectrum of unorthodox Chess rules, boards, and pieces. The term has most commonly been employed for unorthodox Chess problems, and in this context, it was used in the name of the magazine Fairy Chess Review, which was first published about a decade before the Padgett novel. Kuttner and Moore did not invent Fairy Chess, and Ultima is only one example of a Fairy Chess game, what is more commonly known as a Chess variant. You can find many more examples of Chess variants at the website --Fergus
I have restored the original introductory paragraph with some corrections in spelling and grammar. Robert Abbott has told me by email that he did invent Ultima and that he has never heard of Padgett's Fairy Chessmen. Fergus 23:48, Jan 24, 2004 (UTC)
Abbott's Revision
A bit on the difference between the original, more popular rules and Abbott's later revisions would be nice. — Gwalla | Talk 03:38, 28 Dec 2004 (UTC)
- The revision that I learned was to encourage attacking play by making pieces less powerful if closer to home. The movement of the king didn't change. All other pieces could move only as many squares as the number of the rank they occupied at the start of the move. For example a pawn on the third rank would still move like a rook, but be limited to three squares of movement. I tried to play that way and I can see why it didn't catch on, because it's a complication that adds nothing to a complicated game. I'd put this variant in the article, but I have no reference to verify it. --Fritzlein 06:22, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)