Talk:Anton Bruckner

Symphony No. 6 in A major, written in 1879-1881, is an oft-neglected work. Whereas the Bruckner rhythm (3+2) is completely absent from the previous Symphony, in this one it permeates everything, appearing both horizontally and vertically.

I don't know Bruckner as well as I should - what is this "Bruckner rhythm"? The (3+2) makes it sound like it might be three triplet quavers (or crotchets, or whatever) followed by two straight quavers (crotchets, whatever) - is this right? Isn't two straight notes followed by a triplet actually more common Brucker (ie, 2+3)? Also, how can a rhythm appear vertically? --Camembert

Yes, that's what the Bruckner rhythm is, and you're probably right that 2+3 is more common in Bruckner, or at least that's the form more common on prominent themes. As to how can a rhythm appear vertically? Perhaps there is a better way of expressing this. Sometimes, Bruckner might give the first violins to play 3+2 and in the same bar give the second violins 2+3. This isn't so bad for performers if it's all, say, in crotchets or in quavers, making a bar look more or less like this:



But when Bruckner uses the 2+3 or 3+2 in quavers in one part and in crotchets in another part in the same bar, such as is often the case in Sym. 6, performers start complaining. But then again, performers who don't like Bruckner's music will complain about anything ("He expects us to play tremolo pianisimo? He must be crazy!"). -- Del_arte

Delinking Vienna institutions

I delinked Vienna Conservatory, Vienna University and Wiener Hofbibliothek because there appears to no interest in writing articles on these institutions in the English Wikipedia or even the German Wikipedia. -Del_arte


I inserted the nicknames for the symphonies from the book The Da Capo Catalog of Musical Compositions, by Chwiałkowski. Anyone have more info on these names? CoolGuy 21:46, 27 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Disregard below comment.. whoops.. I apparently cannot read. I have no info nor any other source but am glad that there is some source for them aside from the website I mentioned. (Well, aside from 4 which is Romantic always and 3 which because of the Wagner-quotations in the first version- many of them excised in the 2nd vers.- and the dedication, is likewise, etc.) 9 I have heard referred to as Laus Deo - this may be an inscription? Yes, I have seen 8 referred to as Apocalyptic before; the other nickname may refer to the main theme of the scherzo. The nicknames of 6 and 7 I have not seen though they make some sense ;) ... Schissel : bowl listen 04:53, Feb 28, 2005 (UTC)

Bruckner 1 nickname

Is Bruckner 1 indeed nicknamed "The Saucy Maid" (in any of its versions)? I know the Web is not the be-all and end-all of references, still less a search engine and still less google, but google turns up only various varieties of Amazon sites as sources for this... Schissel : bowl listen 04:49, Feb 28, 2005 (UTC)


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