Stephen Dabisa
Stefan Dabiša (Стефан Дабиша) was the king of Bosnia from 1391 to 1395.
He inherited the throne as the nephew of king Tvrtko, against whom he rebelled while young. He was a weak ruler and lost all of Tvrtko's attainments. In the Contract of Đakovice, made in 1393 with Hungarian king Sigismund, he again acknowledged the supremacy of the Crown of St. Stephen, and agreed to be succeeded by Sigismund if he died with no direct successors.
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Translation of the first 2 lines: "In the name of the father son and holy ghost amen, I Stefan Dabisa, by the grace of God, King of Serbs, Bosnia, the Sea Coast, the Land of Hum, the Lowlands, Western Lands, Usora, Soli and the Podrinje"
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See also
Preceded by: Stephen Tvrtko | House of Kotromanić | Succeeded by: Stephen Ostoja |