A spot can be:
- any small area, like the spots on a deer, the famous spots praised by the surfers, or the area illuminated by a spotlight
- an advertisement (i.e. a "radio spot" or "TV spot")
- another word for a pimple
- a common name for pets, most typically dogs:
- Spot Fetcher, George W. Bush's dog.
- Spot the dog, an animated series of children's books.
- Spot, Bill Clinton's cat.
- in fiction:
- Spot (Star Trek) -- the pet cat of Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- Spot, the pet dragon of The Munsters TV Sitcom.
- The name of the dog of the 'Dick and Jane' readers, popular in the late 1950's and early 1960's.
- Guitarist for the rock group the Swirling Eddies
- short for spot price of commodities
- the Great red spot on Jupiter, a very large and persistent storm.
- Abbreviation of Smart Personal Objects Technology.
- In the financial markets, if you are spot trading or trading spot you are buying/selling for immediate delivery rather than for future delivery; for example, see foreign exchange spot trading.
- in skateboarding:
- Skatepark Of Tampa world-famous Tampa, Florida skatepark.
- SPOT Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre
- Spot (professional wrestling) refers to a pre-planned set of moves in a match.