Spoliation of evidence
Lawyers and courts use the term spoliation to refer to destruction of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding. The spoliation inference is a negative evidentiary inference that a finder of fact can draw from a party's destruction of a document or thing that is relevant to an ongoing or reasonably foreseeable civil or criminal proceeding.
The theory of the spoliation inference is that when a party destroys evidence, it may be reasonable to infer that the party had consciousness of guilt or other motivation to avoid the evidence. Therefore, the factfinder may conclude that the evidence would have been unfavorable to the spoliator. Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a spoliator. Spoliation is often an issue in the context where a person claims he has been injured by a defective product which he then discarded or lost. In that circumstance, the defendant manufacturer or distributor may move to dismiss the case on the basis of spoliation.
External link
- Spoliation of Evidence (Findlaw) (http://library.lp.findlaw.com/articles/file/00976/008762/title/subject/topic/litigation%20%20appeals_evidence/discovery/filename/litigationappeals_1_275)