Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends was an animated series on NBC that starred the Marvel Comics characters Spider-Man, Firestar, and Iceman fighting against various villains. The series ran for three seasons, from 1981 to 1983. It is currently aired on Jetix.
This show featured guest appearances from other Marvel stars like the X-Men.
The makers of the show had originally intended the stars to be Spider-Man, Iceman, and the Human Torch, but concerns about copy-cat behaviour led to the Human Torch being replaced by a new character who had similar powers but didn't burst into flame every time she used them.
External links
- SPIDER-FRIENDS.COM (http://www.spider-friends.com/) (fan site)
- Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends guide (http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-15788) at TV Tome
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