Thinker's Library

The Thinker's Library was a series of 140 small hardcover books published by Watts & Co., London between 1929 and 1950. They consisted of a selection of essays, literature, and extracts from greater works by various classical and contemporary humanists and rationalists, continuing in the tradition of the Renaissance.

Catalogue of titles

Each volume consists of an eponymous essay sometimes followed by a collection of related essays by the same author, or an introductory extract from a greater work by that author. Any deviation from this format will be self-explanatory from the title. All foreign language texts were published in the English language.

  1. "First and Last Things" by H.G. Wells
  2. "Education" by Herbert Spencer
  3. "The Riddle of the Universe" by Ernst Haeckel
  4. "Humanity's Gain from Unbelief, and Other Selections from the Works of Charles Bradlaugh"
  5. "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill
  6. "A Short History of the World" by H.G. Wells
  7. "Autobiography of Charles Darwin"
  8. "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin
  9. "Twelve Years in a Monastery" by Joseph McCabe
  10. "History of Modern Philosophy" by A.W. Benn (1930)
  11. "Gibbon on Christianity" - chapters 15 and 16 of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1930)
  12. "The Descent of Man" - Part 1 and the concluding chapter of Part 3, by Charles Darwin (1930)
  13. "History of Civilization in England" - Volume 1, by Henry Thomas Buckle
  14. "Anthropology" - Vol. 1, by Sir Edward B. Tylor
  15. Ditto - Vol. 2
  16. "Iphigenia" - Two plays, by Euripides
  17. "Lectures and Essays" by Thomas Henry Huxley
  18. "The Evolution of the Idea of God" by Grant Allen
  19. "An Agnostic's Apology, and Other Essays" by Sir Leslie Stephen (March, 1931)
  20. "The Churches and Modern Thought" by Vivian Phelips
  21. X
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  26. "Head-hunters, Black, White, and Brown" by Alfred C. Haddon (1932)
  27. X
  28. "The city of dreadful night and other poems" - A selection from the poetical works of James Thomson (1932)
  29. X
  30. "Adonis: a Study in the History of Oriental Religion" - from The Golden Bough by Sir James G. Frazer (1932)
  31. X
  32. X
  33. X
  34. X
  35. X
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  42. "History of Anthropology" by Alfred C. Haddon (1934)
  43. "The World's Earliest Laws" by Chilperic Edwards (1934)
  44. X
  45. "The Men of the Dawn" by Dorothy Davison
  46. "The Mind in the Making" by James Harvey Robinson
  47. X
  48. X
  49. X
  50. X
  51. X
  52. "Five Stages of Greek Religion: Studies Based on a Course of Lectures Delivered in April 1912 at Columbia University" by Gilbert Murray (1935)
  53. "The Life of Jesus" by Ernest Renan (1935)
  54. X
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  56. "Do What You Will" by Aldous Huxley (1936)
  57. X
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  65. "Dictionary of Scientific Terms as Used in the Various Sciences" by C.M. Beadnell
  66. X
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  70. "The Fair Haven" by Samuel Butler (1938)
  71. "A Candidate for Truth: Passages from Emerson" (1938)
  72. X
  73. X
  74. "Morals, Manners, and Men" by Havelock Ellis (1939)
  75. X
  76. "An Architect of Nature" - The autobiography of Luther Burbank (1939)
  77. X
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  79. "The World As I See It" by Albert Einstein (1940)
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  88. "World Revolution and the Future of the West" by W. Friedmann (1942)
  89. X
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  92. "The Conquest of Time" by H.G. Wells (1942)
  93. X
  94. "Life's Unfolding" by Sir Charles Sherrington (1944)
  95. X
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  102. "Progress and Archaeology" by V. Gordon Childe (1944)
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  115. "The Ilusion of National Character" by Hamilton Fyfe (1946)
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  121. "Head and Hand in Ancient Greece: Four Studies in the Social Relations of Thought" by Benjamin Farrington (1947)
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  133. "The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama" by Fitzroy Richard Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan
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