SKA-P is a ska punk band from Spain that could be categorized, politically, as an extreme leftist musical group. Despite its radical views, it remains one of the most popular ska bands in Spain. The group began in 1994. It is comprised of:
- Pulpul - Guitar and lead vocalist
- Toni - Guitar and chorus (ex-member)
- Joxemi - Guitar
- Julio - Bass
- Kogote - Keyboard and chorus
- Luismi - Drums
- Pipi - Showman and backup vocalist
- Pako - Manager
SKA-P goes out of its way to make a statement on everything it believes in. Some think that they are largely truthful in their opinionated lyrics, while others think they are hypocritical. While some of its listeners tune in mainly because of the political lyrics, other listeners do not appreciate all or any of the opinions that the band has in their music, and largest part just enjoys the diversive, unique and appealing sound of the band. Their nonconformist attitude is also portrayed by their eccentric haircuts. Some band members have mohawks while others are almost bald (with a ponytail in the back).
In February 2005, the band decided to split up, after voting 4 vs 2. They're making a worldwide farewell tour, in summer '05.
SKA-P is very open and frank about their views. Common themes throughout SKA-P's songs are the human rights, anti-fascism, legalization of marijuana, and the abolishment of bull fighting. They oppose many of the traditional mainstream views of their society.
Majority of SKA-P songs do not stray from the topic of political or social commentary. This list is by no means complete.
- 0,7
- Abolición
- A la mierda
- América latina ¡¡libre!!
- Alí el Magrebí
- Bla, Bla, Bla
- Cannabis
- Cómo me pongo
- Consumo gusto
- El niño soldado
- El olvidado
- El vals del obrero
- Eres un@ más
- España va bien
- Insensibilidad
- Intifada
- Kasposos
- Kémalo
- La estampida
- La mosca cojonera
- La sesera no va
- Lucrecia
- McDólar
- Mestizaje
- Mis colegas
- Naval Xixón
- No te pares
- Paramilitar
- Reality show
- Revistas del corazón
- Romero el Madero
- Sargento Bolilla
- Sectas
- Seguimos en pie
- Sexo y religión
- Simpático holgazán
- Solamente por pensar
- Tío Sam
- Vergüenza
- Villancico
- Violencia Machista
- Welcome To Hell
- Incontrolable (Live album and video DVD) (2003)
- ¡¡Que Corra La Voz!! (2002)
- Planeta Eskoria (2000)
- Eurosis (1998)
- El Vals del Obrero (1996)
- SKA-P (1994)de:Ska-P