125 BC
Centuries: 3rd century BC - 2nd century BC - 1st century BC
Decades: 170s BC 160s BC 150s BC 140s BC 130s BC - 120s BC - 110s BC 100s BC 90s BC 80s BC 70s BC
Years: 130 BC 129 BC 128 BC 127 BC 126 BC - 125 BC - 124 BC 123 BC 122 BC 121 BC 120 BC
- Cleopatra Thea succeeds to the rule of the Seleucid Empire on the death of Seleucus V. She appoints Antiochus VIII Grypus as co-ruler.
- In Rome, Marcus Fulvius Flaccus proposes the extension of Roman citizenship to the northern Italians, but the Senate reacts by sending him off to deal with disturbances around Massilia.
- Seleucus V Philometor (killed by Cleopatra Thea)
- Demetrius II, king of the Seleucid Empireca:125 aC
de:125 v. Chr. es:125 adC eo:-125 fr:-125 hr:125 p.n.e. it:125 AC lb:-125 nl:125 v. Chr. pl:125 p.n.e. pt:125 a.C. ro:125 î.Hr. sl:125 pr. n. št. sr:125. пне. uk:125 до Р.Х. zh:前125年