Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki is an irregularily updated web comic by Kittyhawk, also known for her work on "The Jar." The plot largely parodies typical magical girl anime. The protagonist is a high school student named Kanazuchi Yuuki who is chosen by a typical animal mentor to be the next valkyrie (superhero–little connection to the mythological valkyries). He is transformed into one before the mentor notices that he is, in fact, male. Valkyries are by definition female. Mayhem ensues.
The comic was launched in 2002, and was previously hosted on KeenSpace. Its forums are hosted on the ever growing It is part of the pOnju Online Webcomic Community.
(From the character page of the main site.)
Kanazuchi Yuuki (Valkyrie Yuuki)
Yuuki is a mahou shoujo (magical girl) fanboy. Thanks to Hermod's magic, he now transforms into a magical girl himself. Yuuki is the new valkyrie and is charged with protecting Midgard and Asgard from the forces of the fire giant Surt.
He is an average student. He could make better grades, but he really doesn't put any effort into his studies. He prefers to pursue magical girl anime, manga, and merchandise. He lives alone, as his father is constantly on business trips.
Hermod is the god of messengers in the Norse pantheon. He sides with the Aesir, which is lead by Odin. Hermod was sent to Midgard (the mortal realm) to find the new valkyrie. He decided that disguising himself as a magical girl DVD was the best way to find one.
No one is sure what kind of animal Hermod is supposed to be. He claims to be a marmoset, but some say he's a "one messed up little critter, I tells ya."
Shuzaya Chiaki
Shuzaya Chiaki has only one want in life: to be in a magical girl story. While this may seem silly, magical girls are everything to Chiaki. She believes that there are magical girls in this world. There just has to be. She doesn't know how right she is though.
When Chiaki is not looking for magical girls, she is buying magical girl merchandise or taking care of her new pet, Myu Myu-chan, who she is convinced is a magical pet of a magical girl.
Loki was a giant who was found by Odin and his brothers. Despite their hatred of giants, they thought he was awesome, so Odin made Loki a blood brother, thus making him one of the Aesir.
Currently Loki is chained under the earth with a snake dripping poison into his eyes because of the whole Balder incident. Loki's whole take on the incident was the that "the little snot had it coming to him." This defense didn't help him.
Loki is able to project himself into the body of a stuffed white cat, so he is able once again wander Midgard. The knife he carries is for "little children and dogs that have the stones to pick [him] up."
Loki really likes Yuuki. A good thing?
Himuro Taki
Himuro Taki is a student at Montrose Academy East, where he is a office worker some of the time. Taki likes Montrose Academy East because of its strange and varied curriculum (meaning he can study Norse mythology with no problem). He also likes girls who are strong and have something unique about them.
Myu Myu-chan
Myu Myu-chan the Auroch is the first beast that Yuuki faces. He is not so much dumb, but easily confused. As the large bull auroch, he is capable of destroying city blocks in a matter of seconds. But as a small "lawn-cow," he is capable of being run over by cars.
Myu Myu-chan is currently living as a pet with Chiaki, who named him.
Surt is the leader of the fire giants and Muspellheim. He hates the Aesir for hunting his kind and forcing them to live on the fringes of the universe. He wants to get revenge and waits patiently from the edge of Muspellheim for his chance.
External links
- Official website (
- The Piggy Farm - Host of the official Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki forums (