Slave I

Slave I is Jango's and Boba Fett's spaceship in the Star Wars saga. The Fetts used it to conduct their bounty hunting activities, and the ship was designed for transporting prisoners. The most famous of the prisoner that Boba Fett carried in Slave I was Han Solo, who was frozen in a block of solid carbonite at the time. Fett was delivering Solo to Jabba the Hutt.
Slave I had originally belonged to Boba's "father," Jango Fett. Jango's last trip on Slave I was to Geonosis, where he died in combat with Mace Windu.
The ship can be seen in the movies Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
While flying the ship has a long vertical shape, but when it lands the ship appears to be on its back and lies horizontally.
Slave I is a very well-armed starship, as both owners endlessly modified it. Under Jango Fett's ownership, its weaponry included twin blaster cannons, as well as two rapid firing laser cannons. Rounding out the ship's armament were two projectile launchers, each holding a magazine of three proton torpedoes or various other payloads, and a naval minelayer equipped with three seismic charges.
Expanded Universe
The Slave I was specially designed by Kuat Drive Yards to carry live prisoners and was one of six prototype Firespray-class patrol and attack ships manufactured for the asteroid prison Oovo IV.
When Boba took over the ship, the laser cannons were replaced with ion cannons, and a tractor beam was added. After he fell into the Great Pit of Carkoon, Slave I was impounded, and he briefly had to use the Slave II.