6th century
(5th century — 6th century — 7th century — other centuries)
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- The first academy of the east the Academy of Gundeshapur founded in Iran by Khosrau I of Persia.
- Irish colonists and invaders, the Scots, began migrating to Caledonia (later known as Scotland)
- Glendalough monastery, Wicklow Ireland founded by St. Kevin
- Zen Buddhists enter Vietnam from China.
- Buddhist Jataka stories are translated into Persian by order of the Zoroastrian king Khosrau.
- Buddhism introduced to Japan from Baekje (Korea) in 552, thus contributing to the changes that occurred in the Asuka period.
- Outbreak of bubonic plague in Constantinople and the rest of the Roman Empire.
- Establishment of Karantania, first stable and independent state of Slovenians and of Slavs.
- The Kutriguri Bulgars move into modern Romania.
- Jewish influence in Aksum.
- Nubia is largely converted to Coptic Christianity.
- The area of modern Aargau falls to the Franks.
- The Kingdom of Funan dies out.
Significant persons
- Pope Gregory the Great (590-604)
- Arthur, defeated the Anglo-Saxons
- Justinian, Byzantine Emperor (527-565)
- Belisarius, last great Roman general
- Beowulf, (fictional?) king of the Geats
- Jordanes, author of the Getica.
- Procopius, a historian.
Inventions, discoveries, introductions
- Backgammon (nard) invented in Persia by Buzurgmihr
- Chess entered Persia from India and was modified
- Heavy plough in use in Po Valley, Italy
- Breast-strap horse harness in use in Frankish kingdom
- Byzantine Empire acquires silk technology from China
Decades and years
Template:DecadesAndYearsaf:6de eeu ca:Segle VI cs:6. století da:6. århundrede de:6. Jahrhundert es:Siglo VI eo:6-a jarcento fr:VIe siècle fy:6e ieu ko:6세기 io:6ma yar-cento it:VI secolo he:המאה ה-6 lb:6. Joerhonnert li:Zesde ieuw nl:6e eeuw ja:6世紀 nb:6. århundre nn:500-talet pl:VI wiek pt:Século VI ro:Secolul VI ru:VI век sl:6. stoletje fi:500-luku sv:500-talet uk:6 століття zh:6世纪