Simultaneous double squeeze

A simultaneous double squeeze is a double squeeze the card game contract bridge in which both opponents are squeezed by the same squeeze card. There are three basic matrices:

  (1)                  A 2
               Q 6     -       K 9
               A               -
               -               Q
               -       3       -

When the club deuce is played West has to shed a spade, dummy sheds the now useless king of hearts and East is squeezed in the pointed suits. This is a positional squeeze.

  (2)                  A 2
               Q J 9   -       K 8 5
               A               -
               -               Q
               -       K 6 4   -

The two of clubs is cashed and again West has to give up the guard in the double menace suit (spades). The now useless king of hearts is played from dummy and East is squeezed in the pointed suits. This is a non-positional squeeze - we can swap the hands of East and West - but it is not an automatic squeeze as was (1). We have to know who guards each red suit.

  (3)                  A K 2
               Q J 9   -       10 8 5
               A               -
               -               K
               -       4      -

This is the most comfortable endposition of the three simultaneous double squeeze matrices. Simply because this squeeze is automatic and non-positional. We can swap the hands of East and West and we discard the two of diamonds on the three of clubs without any reflection. We know that, as long as the squeeze worked, all spades in the North hand must be winners, unless one of our two queens became a master.

pl:Przymus podwójny jednoczesny


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