Simeon Kepha
Simeon Kepha aka Simon Caiaphas is the name of a character from the Toledoth Yeshu -an ancient Jewish fictional cautionary satire on would-be messiahs. Though the text he appears in is a combination of faint memories and creative folk-writing, Simeon Kepha retains a reputation as a greatly learned man who, with the halakhic netzarim by encouraging the gentiles to continue to observe their own feasts as noahides, thereby put an end to the Gentile Notzrim Judaizers and the anti-halakha Min dejudaizers (descending from Yeshu Ha-Notzri's early 1st C BC Rome-collaborating disciples) causing great division in Israel. There are undeniable similarities between him and Simon Cephas son of Jonah of the early Christian writings and the role of support he played with regards to Saul of Tarsus's mission to the gentiles. It is important to remember that even in the Catholic tradition, while Paul (Saul of Tarsus) is recognized as possibly the greatest minister to the gentiles, it is also acknowledged that Simon Cephas (Peter), from his seat in Antioch, was the figure of authorization in that respect. Simon in turn sided with James the Sadducee brother of Jesus bar Damneus.
R, Judah Ha-Hassid who led Germany's 12thC Hasidei Ashkenaz considered him to be a zaddik (a pios man). The Tosaphist R. Jacob Tam wrote that he was a devout and learned Jew who dedicated his life to guiding gentiles along the proper path. He also maintained that Simeon Kepha was the author of the Sabbath and feast-day 'Nishmat' prayer and also a prayer for Yom Kippur.