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The statue of Gomatheswara dates from 978-993 AD.
Shravanabelagola is a city located in the Hassan district, in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is one of the most important Jain pilgrim centers.
The site is home to a 17 meter high monolithic stone statue of the Bhagwan Gomateshwara Bahubali, considered the world largest. Every 12 years, thousands of devotees congregate here to perform the Mahamastakabhisheka, a spectacular ceremony where the thousand-year-old statue is anointed with milk, curds, ghee, saffron and gold coins. The next Mahamastakabhisheka will be held in 2005 A.D.
Shravanabelegola is 158 km from Bangalore.
External link
Ahimsa Foundation - Mahamastak Abhishek Bahubali (