In the science fiction television show Stargate SG-1, Selmak is a Tok'ra High Council member. His host is Jacob Carter, Samantha Carter's father. Selmak has been called the "oldest and wisest" of the Tok'ra. Before blending with Jacob, Selmak had a female host named Saroosh.
Jacob/Selmak has been helpful to Stargate Command on several occasions. His vast knowledge and experience and his access to Tok'ra resources make him a valuable ally. Selmak is so close to the humans of Earth, most likely because of his host, that the other Tok'ra have complained about his divided loyalties.
Selmak was near 2000 years old when he blended with Jacob Carter, and was consequently in the twilight of his life. In Reckoning, Part II, after helping the Tauri defeat the Replicators, Selmak slipped into a coma. He lacked the power to give his life for his host Jacob Carter, and died a short time before Jacob died in the episode Threads.
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