Saved! is a 2004 comedy film written by Brian Dannelly and Michael Urban, and directed by Dannelly. It stars Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, Macaulay Culkin, Patrick Fugit, Martin Donovan, and Mary-Louise Parker. It was filmed and located in suburban Baltimore, Maryland.
The movie's plot revolves around Mary (Malone), a senior at a Christian high school in Baltimore, Maryland, who becomes pregnant because she believes Jesus wants her to have sex with her boyfriend to help save him from being a homosexual. Yet, her boyfriend is still gay and when his parents send him off to a ex-gay clinic, Mary is left alone to deal with her pregnancy, and being an unpopular teenage girl, with a group of unpopular friends, and a crush on a cute boy. Through her adolescence trials and tribulations she begins to question her religion and what she really believes.
The film is generally agreed to be a larger critique of Christian fundamentalists that are arrogant, talk down to the disabled or non-Christians, and in general demonize, antagonize, and try to change others who will not follow their religious practice as they do. Whether or not it is specifically a critique of christianity itself is perhaps debatable, although the protagonists take a non-religious but perhaps spiritual stance at the end of the movie.
Tagline: Heaven help us.
Criticisms of the film
Much of the criticism of the film was political. Christian conservative leaders panned the film as being "anti-Christian" and endorsing the "homosexual life-style." They pointed to some of the characters, such as Hilary Faye, as being stereotypes of Christian fundamentalism and are created especially for the audience to deride.
A DVD version of the film is availiable with a director's audio commentary, access to deleted scenes, and some bloopers.
External links
- Official Website (
- Template:Imdb title