Sarnen is a town in the canton of Obwalden in Switzerland. Sarnen is the capital of Obwalden. It has a population of 9400 of which 1100 are of foreign nationality (2000).
There are 800 local businesses which employ 5857 people. 9% of these are in the agricultural sector, 31% in trade and industry, 60% in services.
The main sights of Sarnen are: Landenberg (main square), the new Kollegikirche (church), the Grundacher mansion, the archive tower with a white book, and the historic museum. Sarnen is renowed for its traditional music.
Until mid of the ninties there was a broadcasting transmission facility for short- and mediumwave near Sarnen. This facility is nowadays shutdown and fr:Sarnen it:Sarnen nl:Sarnen ro:Sarnen sv:Sarnen