Sand Land
SandLand (Japanese: サンドランド), a manga series by Akira Toriyama, first appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump in the year 2000.
The manga follows the adventures of Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons, his companion Thief, and an aging Sheriff by the name of Rao.
In a future world known as Sand Land, the one river that supplied the entire world had suddenly stopped, and the only source of water is from the greedy King's overpriced water bottles. Demons and humans live together in a world of draught, until Sheriff Rao confronts Beelzebub in need of a demon on a quest to find The Phantom Lake, a river on which birds called Water Finches supply themselves. Beelzebub goes with him, along with his demon friend Thief, and the adventure begins. The series spanned 14 chapters and a single graphic novel.
The American version of SandLand was published in Viz's Shonen Jump in Volume 1, Issues 1 through 11, where the series ended and was replaced by the American adaptation of Hikaru no