Stargate Command
In the science fiction television show Stargate SG-1, Stargate Command (SGC), is located in the Cheyenne Mountain complex in Colorado. The SGC's primary role is to send SG teams on exploratory missions to other planets through an alien device called the Stargate. While on these offworld missions the SG teams main objective is to establish allies and obtain technology which would aid in the protection of Earth.
The SGC is a classified program run by the United States Air Force and is funded directly by the government. Another offworld base has been established called the alpha site in case anything were to happen to the SGC. The SGC also serves as a place for researching alien technology brought back by SG teams but larger or longer term research projects are usually handed over to Area 51.
The SGC is an underground facility one thousand meters beneath Cheyenne Mountain. This protects it from nuclear attack or other forms of attack although in an alternate universes revealed in several episodes of the show, it was unable to withstand a large-scale attack by the Goa'uld. The SGC is also located underground to help prevent any diseases or unexpected hostiles from easily escaping the facility.
Hostile aliens such as the Goa'uld are usually prevented from entering the SGC through the Stargate by the "Iris" which is located on the stargate itself however if the SGC is threatened with invasion the facility has a self-detruct mechanism which has been activated more than once.
Levels of Interest
- Level 28 is host to the Embarkation Room also called the Gateroom. It is in this room that the Stargate is located.
- Level 19 is host to Samantha Carter's lab.