Ryukotsusei (竜骨精) is a giant dragon yōkai in the anime and manga series, InuYasha. His name can also be written as Ryukossei since in Japanese, つ (tsu) can mean double consonant as well.
InuYasha's father first fought him in the older days and sealed him away with one of his fangs. InuYasha stubbornly went to fight Ryukotsusei by himself, but it was Naraku who removed InuYasha's father's seal so that the dragon would destroy InuYasha. Ryukotsusei is ruthless and has a mask that exists on his forehead through which he speaks. He is able to make large energy blasts from his dragon mouth and could easily have defeated InuYasha with a final blow but instead InuYasha was able to learn and use the Bakuryūha (Backlash Wave in the English dub) and destroy the powerful dragon.