Russian grammar

Russian grammar encompasses:

The Russian language has preserved an Indo-European synthetic-inflexional structure, although considerable levelling has taken place.

The spoken language has been influenced by the literary, but continues to preserve characteristic forms. The dialects show various non-standard grammatical features, some of which are archaisms or descendants of old forms since discarded by the literary language.

NOTE 1. For an introductory overview, please see the discussion in the Russian language article.

NOTE 2. In the discussion below, various terms are used in the meaning they have in the standard Russian discussions of historical grammar. In particular, aorist, imperfect, etc. are considered verbal tenses rather than aspects, because ancient examples of them are attested for both perfective and imperfective verbs.





Nominal declension is subject to six cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and locative or prepositional), in two numbers (singular and plural), and obeying absolutely grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter). A vocative form is preserved for words and names of religious import, as Боже/boZE/ "God", etc. The adjectives, pronouns, and the first two cardinal numbers further vary by gender. Old Russian also had a third number, the dual, but except for its use in the nominative and accusative cases with the numbers two, three and four, eg. (два стула/dva stula/, "two chairs", recategorized today as a genitive singular), it has been lost.

In Russian there are three declension types. The first declension is used for masculine and neuter nouns. The second declension is used for most feminine nouns. The third declension is used for feminine nouns ending in ь and for neuter nouns ending in мя.

First Declension - Masculine Nouns

Nouns ending in a consonant are marked in the following table with -0- (thus no ending).

Nominative        -0-           -ь           -й           -ий             
Genitive          -а            -я           -я           -ия             
Dative            -у            -ю           -ю           -ию  
Accusative        -0- / -а      -ь  / -я     -й  / -я     -ий / ия   
Instrumental      -ом           -ем (3)      -ем (3)      -ием
Prepositional     -е            -е           -е           -ии  

Nominative        -ы  (1)       -и           -и           -ии
Genitive          -ов (2)       -ей          -ев (3)      -иев
Dative            -ам           -ям          -ям          -иям
Accusative        -ы (1)/ ов    -и / ей      -и / ев (3)  -ии / иев 
Instrumental      -ами          -ями         -ями         -иями
Prepositional     -ах           -ях          -ях          -иях


  • The accusative case for animate nouns is identical to the genitive case; for inanimate nouns, it is identical to the nominative.
  • (1) After a sibilant or a velar (г, к, or х) consonant, и is written.
  • (2) After a sibilant, ей is written.
  • (3) After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.

First Declension - Neuter Nouns

Nominative        -о  (1)       -е  (2)                        
Genitive          -а            -я                        
Dative            -у            -ю                       
Accusative        -о  (1)       -е  (2)                  
Instrumental      -ом (1)       -ем (2)                 
Prepositional     -е            -е  (3)                        

Nominative        -а            -ия           
Genitive          -0-           -ий          
Dative            -ам           -ям          
Accusative        -а            -я       
Instrumental      -ами          -ями         
Prepositional     -ах           -ях  
  • (1) After a sibilant, о is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  • (2) After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  • (3) For nouns ending in ие in the nominative singular, и is written.

Second Declension - (Mostly) Feminine Nouns

Nominative        -а            -я           -ия             
Genitive          -ы  (1)       -и           -ии             
Dative            -е            -е           -ии             
Accusative        -у            -ы           -ию       
Instrumental      -ой (2)       -ей (3)      -ией       
Prepositional     -е            -е           -ии             

Nominative        -ы  (1)       -и           -ии
Genitive          -0-           -ь           -ий
Dative            -ам           -ям          -иям
Accusative        -ы(1) / -0-   -и / ь       -ии / ий
Instrumental      -ами          -ями         -иями
Prepositional     -ах           -ях          -иях

  • (1) After a sibilant or a velar (г, к, or х) consonant, и is written.
  • (2) After a sibilant, о is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  • (3) After a soft consonant, ё is written when stressed; е when unstressed.
  • In the accusative plural a difference is made between animate (=genitive) and inanimate (=nominative) nouns.

Third Declension

                  (feminine)    (neuter)
Nominative        -ь            -мя                      
Genitive          -и            -мени                        
Dative            -и            -мени                        
Accusative        -ь            -мям                  
Instrumental      -ью           -менем       
Prepositional     -и            -мени                        

Nominative        -и            -мена           
Genitive          -ей           -мён           
Dative            -ям           -менам          
Accusative        -и / ей       -мена           
Instrumental      -ями          -менами         
Prepositional     -ях           -менях


There are no articles in the Russian language, definite or indefinite. The sense of a noun is determined from the context in which it appears.


Russian adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number, and case.


                  (masculine)    (neuter)     (feminine)                       
Nominative        -ый            -ое          -ая             
Genitive          -ого           -ого         -ой             
Dative            -ому           -ому         -ой             
Accusative        -ый / ого      -ое / ого    -ую       
Instrumental      -ым            -ым          -ой       
Prepositional     -ом            -ом          -ой             

Nominative        -ые
Genitive          -ых
Dative            -ым
Accusative        -ые / ых 
Instrumental      -ыми
Prepositional     -ых
  • In the accusative case (except the feminine singular), a difference is made between animate (=genitive) and inanimate (=nominative) adjectives.
  • After a sibilant or velar consonant, и, instead of ы, is written.
  • When a masculine adjectives ends in -ой, the -ой is stressed.

Russian differentiates between hard-stem (as above) and soft-stem adjectives. Note the following:

  • Masculine adjectives ending in the nominative in ий and neuters in ее are declined as follows: его, ему, ым, and им.
  • Feminine adjectives in яя are declined ей and юю.
  • Plural adjectives in ие are declined их, им, ими and их.


Personal Pronouns
Nominative я ты он она оно мы вы они
Genitive меня тебя его её его нас вас их
Dative мне тебе ему ей ему нам вам им
Accusative меня тебя его её его нас вас их
Instrumental мной тобой им ей им нами вами ими
Prepositional обо мне о тебе о нём о ней о нём о нас о вас о них
Demonstrative Pronouns
  • этот and тот
masculine neuter feminine plural masculine neuter feminine plural
Nominative этот это эта эти тот то та те
Genitive этого этого этой этих того того той тех
Dative этому этому этой этим тому тому той тем
Accusative N or G это эту N or G N or G то ту N or G
Instrumental этим этим этой этими тем тем той теми
Prepositional об этом об этом об этой об этих о том о том о той о тех
Possessive Pronouns
  • мой and твой
masculine neuter feminine plural masculine neuter feminine plural
Nominative мой моё моя мои твой твоё твоя твои
Genitive моего моего моей моих твоего твоего твоей твоих
Dative моему моему моей моим твоему твоему твоей твоим
Accusative N or G моё мою N or G N or G твоё твою N or G
Instrumental моим моим моей моими твоим твоим твоей твоими
Prepositional о моём о моём о моей о моих о твоём о твоём о твоей о твоих
  • наш and ваш
masculine neuter feminine plural masculine neuter feminine plural
Nominative наш наше наша наши ваш ваше ваша ваши
Genitive нашего нашего нашей наших вашего вашего вашей ваших
Dative нашему нашему нашей нашим вашему вашему вашей вашим
Accusative N or G наше нашу N or G N or G ваше вашу N or G
Instrumental нашим нашим нашей нашими вашим вашим вашей вашими
Prepositional о нашем о нашем о нашей о наших о вашем о вашем о вашей о ваших
  • его, её and их are indeclinable.
Interrogative Pronouns
  • кто and что
Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Inst. Prep.
кто кого кому кого кем о ком
что чего чему что чем о чём
  • чей
masculine neuter feminine plural
Nominative чей чьё чья чьи
Genitive чьего чьего чьей чьих
Dative чьему чьему чьей чьим
Accusative N or G чьё чью N or G
Instrumental чьим чьим чьей чьими
Prepositional о чьём о чьём о чьей о чьих


0 ноль

1 один одна одно (раз is used when counting)

2 два

3 три

4 четыре

5 пять

6 шесть

7 семь

8 восемь

9 девять

10 десять


Verbal conjugation is subject to three persons in two numbers and two simple tenses (present/future and past), with periphrastic forms for the future and subjunctive, as well as imperative forms and present/past participles, distinguished by adjectival and adverbial usage. There are two voices, active and middle/passive, which is constructed by the addition of a reflexive suffix -ся/сь/-s'a/-s'/ to the active form. An interesting feature is that the past tense is actually made to agree in gender with the subject, for it is the participle in an originally periphrastic perfect tense formed with the present of быть /b1t'/,"to be", which is now omitted except for rare archaic effect, usually in set phrases (откуда есть пошла русская земля/otkuda jest' poSla russkaja zeml'a/, "whence is come the Russian land", the opening of the Primary Chronicle in modern spelling). Verbal inflection today is considerably simpler than in Old Russian. The ancient aorist, imperfect, and (periphrastic) pluperfect tenses have been lost, though the aorist sporadically occurs in secular literature as late as the second half of the eighteenth century, and survives as an odd form in direct narration (а он пойди да скажи/a on pojdi da skaZ1/, etc., exactly equivalent to the English colloquial "so he goes and says"), recategorized as a usage of the imperative. The loss of three of the former six tenses has been offset by the development, as in other Slavic languages, of verbal aspect. Most verbs come in pairs, one with imperfective or continuous connotation, the other with perfective or completed, usually formed with a (prepositional) prefix, but occasionally using a different root.

The present tense of the verb быть/b1t'/, "to be", is today normally used only in the third-person singular form, which is often used for all the persons and numbers, and, very formally, in the third person plural. As late as the nineteenth century, the full conjugation, which today is used only for extreme effect, was somewhat more natural: forms occur in the Synodal Bible, in Dostoevsky and in the bylinas (былины/b1l'in1/) or oral folk-epics, which were transcribed at that time. The paradigm shows as well as anything else the Indo-European affinity of Russian:

English Russian SAMPA Latin
"I am"(есмь)/jes'm'/sum
"thou art"(еси)/jes'i/es
"he, she, it is"есть/jes't'/est
"we are"(есмы)/jesm1/sumus
"you are"(есте)/jes't'e/estis
"they are"суть/sut'/sunt

Present-future tense

There are two forms used to conjugate the present tense of imperfective verbs and the future tense of perfective verbs.

The first conjugation is used in verb stems ending in a consonant, -у, or -о, or in -а when not preceded by a sibilant:

  • -у, -ёшь, -ёт, -ём, -ёте, -ут
  • -ю, -ешь, -ет, -ем, -ете, -ут

The second conjugation is used in verb stems ending in -и or -е, or in -а when preceded by a sibilant:

  • -ю, -ишь, -ит, -им, -ите, -ят


First Conjunction

Вернуть - to return <something> - (stem - верн)

Я верну I return
Ты вернёшь You return
Он/Она/Оно вернёт He/She/It returns
Мы вернём We return
Вы вернёте You return
Они вернут They return

Читать - to read (stem - чита)

Я читаю I read
Ты читаешь You read
Он/Она/Оно читает He/She/It reads
Мы читаем We read
Вы читаете You read
Они читают They read

Second conjunction

Говорить - to speak

Я говорю I speak
Ты говоришь You speak
Он/Она/Оно говорит He/She/It speaks
Мы говорим We speak
Вы говорите You speak
Они говорят They speak

Irregular verbs

The following verbs have a stem change. The stem part of the verb is in the parentheses. The endings are regular.

брать (бер-) - to take


вести (вед-) - to lean


жить (жив-) - to live


звать (зов-) - to call


давать (да-) - to give


идти (ид-) - to go


писать (пиш-) - to write (notice the с becomes a ш)


The following verbs endings do not confirm to first or second conjugations.

дать - to give


есть - to eat


The following verbs are irregular in the first person. Notice the д becomes ж in the first person. This is a common irregularity on stems ending with д.

ходить (ход-) - to walk


ездить (езд-) - to travel


видеть (вид-) - to see


Word formation

Russian has on hand a set of prefixes, prepositional and adverbial in nature, as well as diminutive, augmentative, and frequentative suffixes and infixes. All of these can be stacked one upon the other, to produce multiple derivatives of a given word. Participles and other inflexional forms may also have a special connotation. For example:

мыслишка/m1sl'iSka/"a petty or cute thought"
мыслище/m1sl'iS'e/"a thought of fundamental import"
мысление/m1sl'en'je/"thought; abstract thinking, ratiocination"
мыслить/m1sl'it'/"to think (as to cogitate)"
осмыслить/osm1sl'it'/ "to comprehend; to rationalize"
переосмыслить/p'er'eosm1sl'it'/"to reassess"
переосмысливать/p'er'eosm1sl'ivat'/"to be in the process of reassessing (something)"
переосмысливаемый/p'er'eosm1sl'ivajem1j/"(something) in the process of being considered in a new light"
обессмыслить/ob'essm1sl'it'/"to render meaningless"
обессмысленный/ob'essm1sl'enn1j/"rendered meaningless"
необессмысленный/n'eob'essm1sl'enn1j/"not yet rendered meaningless"

Russian has also proved friendly to agglutinative compounds. As an extreme case:

металлоломообеспечение/m'etallolomoob'esp'etS'en'je/"provision of scrap iron"
металлоломообеспеченный/m'etallolomoob'esp'etS'enn1j/"well supplied with scrap iron"

Purists (as Ushakov in the preface to his dictionary) frown on such words. But here is the name of a street in St. Petersburg:

Каменноостровский проспект/kamennoostrovsk'ij prosp'ekt/"Stone Island Avenue"

Some linguists have suggested that Russian agglutination stems from Church Slavonic. In the twentieth century, abbreviated components appeared in the compound:

управдом/upravdom/=управляющий домом/upravl'ajuS'ij domom/"residence manager"

Fundamental sentence structure




The basic word order, both in conversation and the written language, is Subject Verb Object. However, because the relations are marked by inflexion, considerable latitude in word order is allowed, and all the permutations can be used. Primary emphasis tends to be initial, with a slightly weaker emphasis at the end.


Unlike English, Latin, and various other languages, Russian allows multiple negatives, as in никто никогда никому ничего не прощает /n'ikto n'ikogda n'ikomu n'itS'evo n'e proS'ajet/ "No-one ever forgives anything to anyone" (literally, "no-one never to no-one nothing not forgives").


Common coordinating conjunctions include:

  • и /i/ "and", complemental;
  • а /a/ "and", oppositional, tending to "but";
  • но /no/ "but";
  • ибо /ibo/ "for".

The distinction between и and а is important. И implies a following complemental state that does not oppose the antecedent. А implies a following state that acts in opposition to the antecedent, but more weakly than но "but".

Missing image
The Catherine manuscript of the Song of Igor, 1790's
они уехали,
и мы уезжаем
/on'i ujexal'i
i m1 ujeZ'ajem/
they have departed
and we are departing
они уехали,
а мы уезжаем
/on'i ujexali
a m1 ujeZ'ajem/
they have departed,
while (but) we are (still) departing
они уехали,
но мы приезжаем
/on'i ujexal'i
no m1 pr'ijeZ'ajem/
they have departed,
but we are arriving

The distinction between и and а developed after the mediaeval period; originally, и and а were closer in meaning. The unpunctuated ending of the Song of Igor illustrates the potential confusion. The final five words in modern spelling, князьям слава а дружине аминь /knaz'jam slava a druZine am'in'/ can be understood either as "Glory to the princes and to their host! Amen." or "Glory to the princes, and amen (R.I.P.) to their troops". Although majority opinion is definitely with the first interpretation, there is no full consensus. The psychological difference between the two is quite obvious.


Subordinating conjuctions, adverbs, or adverbial phrases include:

  • если /jesl'i/ "if";
  • потому что /potomu Sto/, так как /tak kak/ "because"
  • чтобы /Stob1/ "in order that"
  • после того, как /posl'e tovo kak/ "after"
  • хотя /xot'a/ "although"

In general, there are fewer subordinate clauses than in English, because the participles (причастие /pr'itSas't'je/) and adverbial participles (деепричастие /d'ejepr'itSas't'je/) often take the place of a relative pronoun/verb combination. For example:

Вот человек,
потерявший надежду
/vot tS'elov'ek
pot'er'avSij nad'eZdu/
Here (is) a man
who has lost (all) hope.
[lit. having lost hope]
Гуляя по городу, всегда
останавливаюсь у Ростральных колонн
/gul'aja po gorodu vs'egda
ostanavl'ivajus' u rostral'n1x kolonn/
When I go for a walk in the city, I always
pause by the Rostral Columns.
[lit. Walking in the city, I...]

Absolute construction

Despite the inflexional nature of Russian there is no equivalent in the modern language to the English nominative absolute or the Latin ablative absolute contruction. The old language had an absolute construction, with the noun put into the dative. Like so many other archaisms, it is retained in Church Slavonic. Among the last known examples in literary Russian occurs in Radishchev's Journey from Petersburg to Moscow (Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву /put'eSestv'ije iz p'et'erburga v moskvu/), 1790:

  • Едущу мне из Едрова, Анюта из мысли моей не выходила. /jeduS'u mn'e iz jedrova, an'uta iz m1sl'i mojej n'e v1xod'ila/ "As I was leaving Yedrovo village, I could not stop thinking about Aniuta."

Inflectional usage


Tense and aspect

Vernacular/dialectal features

See also

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