Rumpus McFowl
Rumpus McFowl is a fictional character of the Scrooge McDuck universe, created by William van Horn in 1994. He was introduced as a lazy half-brother of Scrooge McDuck, Matilda McDuck, Hortense McDuck and Gideon McDuck. He is considered an illegitimate son of their father Fergus McDuck and Vera O'Drake, either a cousin or a sister of Downy O'Drake who would later become Fergus' wife.
Rumpus McFowl was probably born around 1865 and died sometime after 1952 at an unknown place, although his exact dates of birth and death are still unknown.
Rumpus McFowl doesn't fit in Carl Barks' original view of the Scrooge McDuck universe, nor has he ever been used by Don Rosa in family trees or stories. As such, he is commonly ignored by Donaldist "scholars" who commonly only accept the works of Barks (and Rosa).it:Rumpus McFowl