Robin Hood Daffy
Robin Hood Daffy is a 1958 Warner Brothers cartoon featuring Daffy Duck as legendary outlaw Robin Hood. Porky Pig plays a friar who wants to join Robin Hood's band of outlaws. Daffy repeatedly blunders in his attempts to impress Porky Pig that he is Robin Hood. In frustration Daffy becomes a friar himself: "Never mind joining me, I'll join you. Say hello to Friar Duck."
Other notable lines:
- "With my trusty quarterstaff! (In an aside to the audience) Actually, it's a buck-and-a-quarter quarterstaff, but I'm not telling him that."
- Daffy, fighting with his $1.25 quarter staff 'Ho! HaHa! Guard! Turn! Parry! Thrust! Spin! HA!' (quarter staff bounces off log, bending his beak)
- "Yoikes . . . and away!" (Daffy swings from a treetop and hits another tree)
- "Yoikes . . . and away!" (Daffy swings . . . and hits another tree, slurring his speech a little more each time)
- "Yoikes . . . and away!" (Daffy swings over all the trees he's chopped down and hits a rock)
and the immortal
- "Oh how jolly can you get....tee hee.. it is to laugh!"