Redwatch is a magazine and website that displays photographs and information of its political opponents.
Redwatch describes its content as:
- Photographs and information about the reds who attempt to harrass and assault British Nationalists and their families. The red scum target us, Redwatch plays them at their own game.
Redwatch says of the reason for its existence:
"The reds are the biggest hypocrites of the past two centuries. They claim to represent the working class yet their literature is seldom understood by anyone who is not of a middle class background. Most of their leaders are from privileged backgrounds, they're just rich kids with bad consciences.
They claim to represent equality but they generated the reverse. They claimed many things and all they ever achieved was tyranny, death and turmoil. In truth, they represented neither the nation, nor the people, nor the working class.
Let take a look at Russian history, a blood bath of major upheaval. They attempted to generate a fairer society and left nothing but misery for successive new generations of Russians.
Who is it that runs the major industries of Russia today? Former Communist Party officials who sold their very ideals for 30 pieces of silver - time and time again one sees George Orwell's Animal Farm or 1984.
No greater example can be found than in the New Labour Party in Britain today. Tony Blair is so removed from his youthful ideals that he would definitely denounce himself if he was to travel back in time.
In the final analysis the reds are false, untruthful, degenerates and tyrants.
The White working-class has to wake up to the hypocritical reds and seek alternatives that would represent them. That is NOW Radical White Nationalism.'' "
This is presumably in reference to groups like the Anti-Nazi League, a British "anti-fascist" organisation who published online the actual home addresses of both Nick Griffin (leader of the British National Party [BNP]) and his mother.
In January, 2004, questions concerning the legality of the Redwatch site were raised in the House of Lords, but the site is apparently vindicated by the fact that it is still online as 2005 approaches. Allegations have also been made linking Redwatch with the bourgeoning British National Party fuelled by prominent member and youth leader of the BNP Tony Wentworth taking photographs of "anti fascist" protesters which later appeared on the sight, and allegations of Mark Collett former leader of the YBNP and current Yorkshire organiser openly boasting peoples photographs would appear their.
Despite its earlier affiliation with Combat 18, the British National Party has denied any link whatsoever to Redwatch and in fact proscribes Redwatch for all its members.
External link
- The RedWatch website (