Template:Wiktionary Punk can have the following meanings:
- A follower of punk music, fashion or culture.
- Punk rock, a type of music performed by bands like the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned ...
- Punk is a set of social and political beliefs, morals and standards that indicate an absolute rejection of conformity. See Punk ideology.
- A punk is a combustible material or a piece of kindling to light slow-igniting substances. Also a small stub or cigar.
- Donny the Punk is a nickname for Stephen Donaldson, founder of Stop Prisoner Rape, Inc.. He is not to be confused with Stephen R. Donaldson, the author of fantasy novels.
- In Shakespearean slang, punke is a prostitute.
- In the English county of Somerset there are two traditional uses of the term "punk".
- Hunky Punk is a stone carving of an ugly face on the walls of buildings.
- Punkie Night is a local Somerset variation of Halloween. (Source:Punkie Night on National Geographic's '"Pulse of the Planet"' (http://pulseplanet.nationalgeographic.com/ax/archives/01_culturetemplate.cfm?programnumber=1999))
- In american prison slang the word "Punk" is used to label the pariah, outcast or any other social reject.