Varro Atacinus
Publius Terentius Varro Atacinus (82 BC - c.35 BC) was an early Roman poet, more polished than the more famous and learned Varro Reatinus, his contemporary, and more widely read by the Augustans, who apparently dared not mention the other Varro's name (Cruttwell 1877). He was born in the province of Gallia Narbonensis, the southern part of Gaul with its capital at Narbonne, on the river Atax (now the Aude), for his surname Atacinus indicates his birthplace.
Only fragments of his works survive. His first known works are Bellum Sequanicum, a poem on Julius Caesar's campaign against Ariovistus, and Satires. He translated the Alexandrian poet Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica into Latin.
Of Varro's fragments, the epigraph on "The Tombs of the Great" is well-known; whether or not it is truly Varro's it has the terse and skeptical Roman note, the equivalent of a haiku:
- ("In a marble tomb [the freedman] Licinus lies; yet for Cato, nothing:
- For Pompey a little one: what? think we to be gods?")
External links
- Charles Thomas Cruttwell, History of Roman Literature 1877: ( Book II, part I Note IIIde:Varro Atacinus