Public Printer of the United States
The title of Public Printer of the United States refers to the official head of the Government Printing Office (GPO). Pursuant to USC Title 44, Section 301, this officer must be nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. The current and 24th Public Printer of the United States is Bruce R. James. Nominated by President George W. Bush, he took office after his Senate confirmation in 2002. The Public Printer must be highly skilled in the areas of bookbinding and printing to qualify for the post.
The Public Printer is responsible for the administration of the GPO. The GPO, a service agency of the government, produces most printed matter needed by the government, including The Congressional Record, Supreme Court decisions, passports, tax forms, government employment forms, internal government documents, and agency publications. The GPO does not print money.
External Links
Government Printing Office (
Public Printer of the United States (