Project A-ko
Project A-ko is a popular comedic anime and manga series. It began as a series of four movies, and later two alternate-universe OVAs (the "Vs." series) were released. This parody series references and lampoons a number of other works of anime from the 1970s and 1980s. Mari, for example, is an odd parody of Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star. The title itself is a reference to a Jackie Chan movie, Project A.
Project A-ko was initially planned to be part of the Cream Lemon series of hentai OVAs, but during the production of the series it was decided to make it into a more mainstream title. However, one can see some of the milder H elements in the series, such as B-ko's clearly lesbian sexual interest in C-ko, that were left in. The only sequence animated during its Cream Lemon days left in the revised production is B-ko's private bath scene.
Project A-ko is published in English by CPM Manga.
The A-ko series is as follows:
- Project A-ko
- Project A-ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group
- Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody
- Project A-ko 4: Final
- Project A-ko: Vs. Battle 1 - Grey Side
- Project A-ko: Vs. Battle 2 - Blue Side
Notes and Other Trivia
- There are subtle clues in the film that hint that A-ko's parents are none other than American comic book characters Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) and Clark Kent (Superman), which explain where A-ko received her superhuman strength and speed.
- After releasing Project A-Ko on DVD in its original widescreen video format, Central Park Media later released a "Collector's Series" version, which features remastered video and coloring, a large number of A-Ko related extras, commentary and interviews by many of the Project A-Ko staff, and a free Project A-Ko soundtrack CD.
- Central Park Media has released the other Project A-Ko OVAs in two DVD collections: Project A-Ko: Love and Robots (which contains the OVAs Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group, Cinderella Rhapsody, and Final) and Project A-Ko: Uncivil Wars (which contains both the Grey Side and Blue Side of A-Ko the Vs).
External links
- IMDB entry (
- Graviton City: the Project A-ko Web Site (
Categories: Anime | Manga