Profit and Loss (DS9 episode)
"Profit and Loss" is the title of a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, from the second season. Its episode number is 438, and it first aired on 20 March 1994.
A partial summary of the episode
The following is a partial summary of the beginning portion of the episode. The information described in this summary is not in the same order in which it is presented on screen.
At the beginning of the episode, the crew of Deep Space Nine detects a small Cardassian vessel carrying fugitives who are leaders of a Cardassian political movement that rejects military power. When the Deep Space Nine crew detects their vessel, it has been heavily damaged by Cardassian weaponry. This fact strongly implies that the vessel was indeed attacked by other Cardassians—an alarming fact to the Deep Space Nine crew when they discover it. Sisko orders a rescue of the vessel's passengers. After stepping out of their vessel and onto the space station with her students, Hogue and Rekelen, Professor Natima Lang falsely explains to Sisko that the damage was caused by meteors. (The three passengers were apparently the only ones on board, and they each appear, and probably are, Cardassian.) Believing her story, Sisko orders Miles O'Brien to begin repairing the vessel.
In a later scene, Professor Lang enters the station's Promenade. Immediately upon seeing her, Quark becomes excited and rushes toward her, pushing his customers out of his way. When he reaches her, Lang slaps him in the face, commenting that she commanded him to never speak to her again.
The following references are sorted in alphabetical order.
- Episode information from STARTREK.COM (
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Profit and Loss"