Priest (manhwa)

Priest is a 15 volume manhwa (Korean comic) series created by Min-Woo Hyung.

It is published in English by TokyoPop.

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Manga (Books)

English Priest Volume 1Tokyopop ( 1591820081
English Priest Volume 2Tokyopop ( 159182009X
English Priest Volume 3Tokyopop ( 1591820103
English Priest Volume 4Tokyopop ( 159182088X
English Priest Volume 5Tokyopop ( 1591822017
English Priest Volume 6Tokyopop ( 1591822025
English Priest Volume 7Tokyopop ( 1591822033
English Priest Volume 8Tokyopop ( 1591822041
English Priest Volume 9Tokyopop ( 159182205X
English Priest Volume 10Tokyopop ( 1591825113
English Priest Volume 11Tokyopop ( 1591825121
English Priest Volume 12Tokyopop ( 159182513X
English Priest Volume 13Tokyopop ( 1591825148
English Priest Volume 14Tokyopop ( 1591825156


The manga tells of humanity's battle against twelve angels, led by an archangel called Temozarela, who have gone against God because the angels fell out of his favour after the battle with Lucifer.

While it covers quite a few characters in some depth, the main character through the manga is Ivan Isaacs, an immortal 19th century priest in the Wild West who has sold his soul to Belial, another priest from an earlier age who is also immortal.


The main characters are as follows:

Ivan Isaacs

The main 'hero' in the story, insofar as any of the characters can be called heroes. Ivan originally started out as a mortal priest.

However, because of an essay he wrote while training to become a priest he came to the attention of a special branch of the church. This branch then approached him after he had become a priest to help unlock the secrets of an artifact called the Domas Porada, a prison which contains Temozarela, the other twelve fallen angels and Belial, who sealed himself in there in a battle with Temozarela.

Temozarela, realising that Ivan could break him and his angels out of the prison, caused the death of his sister/lover, Gena, knowing this would make Ivan temporarily insane through grief. Ivan, in his insane state, breaks Temozarela free.

Ivan, realising what he has done, makes a deal with Belial to let Belial possess him and give Ivan immortality, so that he can battle Temozarela and his angels.

Ivan then embarks on a quest to destroy the thirteen angels.


Temozarela is an arch-angel who fought on God's side in the war against Lucifer. However, this war caused God to lose faith in the angels and prefer humanity instead.

Temozarela, bitter at this, took twelve angels who felt the same way as he did to Earth to prove to God how flawed humans are. To do this he set up a cult to him and his angels which involved human sacrifice. However, this only made God angry and caused Temozarela to be banished to earth and imprisoned.

Temozarela persuaded Vascar de Guillon to let himself be possessed by Temozarela. Temozarela then tries to seduce Belial, but Belial resists and eventually imprisons both himself and Temozarela in the Domas Porada.

Belial (Betheal) Gavarre

Belial was originally an inquisitor in the medieval church. However, he eventually comes to preside over the case of the possessed Vascar de Guillon, who has been captured. Temozarela, inside Vascar's body, influences Belial's adoptive son, Matthew, to slaughter one of the women at the monastery where he and Belial are staying. Belial, on hearing his son confess this, becomes enraged and strangles him.

Temozarela orchestrated this to shatter Belial's faith. However, Belial realises what has happened and fights against Temozarela, eventually imprisoning himself, Temozarela and his angels in the Domas Porada.

Gena Isaacs

The natural daughter of the man who adopted Isaacs. Gena eventually falls in love with Ivan despite being his adoptive sister, but is killed by those influenced by Temozarela.


Lizzie was the head of a gang of outlaws. She was caught by the authorities and was to be taken by train to be hanged. However, her gang of outlaws board the train to rescue her, but they in turn get slaughtered by the undead creatures put on the train by Jarbilong, who put them there as a welcome to Ivan Isaacs, whom he knew would be on the train.


Jarbilong is one of the twelve angels who along with Temozarela rebelled against God. He turns the townpeople of Saint Baldlas into zombies and fights against Ivan Isaacs, but is killed by Ivan.

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