Port Island (Gdansk)
The Island located between Gdansk Bay, Smiala Wisla and Leniwka. The area of the island belongs to the city of Gdansk, Poland and is divided into 2 quarters Quarters of Gdansk (http://gis.gdansk.pl/start_dziel.html)
- Stogi z Przerobka, population 19,866, area 16.9 kmē, density 1,173
- Krakowiec-Gorki Zachodnie, population 2,301, area 8.8 kmē, density 261
Total: population 22,167, area 25,7 kmē
The Island is very important industrial strip. Gdansk rafinery is located there, together with many facilities of the Gdansk Port.
Wisloujscie, XVII century fortress that used to guard the mouth of Gdansk Port. The place where WWII started, Westerplatte is also located there. Template:Gdanskpl:Wyspa Portowa