Popular Orthodox Rally
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Party logo
The Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) (Greek: Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερμός) is a recently founded far right political party in Greece, led by journalist Georgios Karatzaferis formerly a head member of New Democracy. "Popular Orthodox Rally" considers itself as a party of the democratic right wing and not a nationalist or "fascist". The party failed in March 7 elections but 3 months later gained 4.1% of the popular vote and one seat in the 2004 European Parliamentary Elections. "Popular Orthodox Rally" is a member of the "Independent Democrats" (IND/DEM) group of the European Parliament.
External links
- Official web site (in Greek) (http://www.karatzaferis.gr/)
- Greek election results (http://ekloges.ypes.gr/en/), via the Greek Ministry of Internal Affairs