Polydivisible number

In mathematics a polydivisible number is a number with digits abcde... that has the following properties :-

  1. Its first digit a is not 0.
  2. The number formed by its first two digits ab is a multiple of 2.
  3. The number formed by its first three digits abc is a multiple of 3.
  4. The number formed by its first four digits abcd is a multiple of 4.
  5. etc.

For example, 345654 is a six-digit polydivisible number, but 123456 is not, because 1234 is not a multiple of 4. Polydivisible numbers can be defined in any base- however, the numbers in this article are all in base 10, so permitted digits are 0 to 9.



Polydivisible numbers are a generalisation of the following well-known problem in recreational mathematics :-

Arrange the digits 1 to 9 in order so that the first two digits form a multiple of 2, the first three digits form a multiple of 3, the first four digits form a multiple of 4 etc. and finally the entire number is a multiple of 9.

The solution to the problem is a nine-digit polydivisible number with the additional condition that it contains the digits 1 to 9 exactly once each. There are 2,492 nine-digit polydivisible numbers, but the only one that satisfies the additional condition is


How many polydivisible numbers are there?

If k is a polydivisible number with n-1 digits, then it can be extended to create a polydivisible number with n digits if there is a number between 10k and 10k+9 that is divisible by n. If n is less or equal to 10, then it is always possible to extend an n-1 digit polydivisible number to an n-digit polydivisible number in this way, and indeed there may be more than one possible extension. If n is greater than 10, it is not always possible to extend a polydivisible number in this way, and as n becomes larger, the chances of being able to extend a given polydivisible number become smaller.

On average, each polydivisible number with n-1 digits can be extended to a polydivisible number with n digits in 10/n different ways. This leads to the following estimate of the number of n-digit polydivisible numbers, which we will denote by F(n) :-

<math>F(n) \approx \frac{9 \times 10^{n-1}}{n!}<math>

Summing over all values of n, this estimate suggests that the total number of polydivisible numbers will be approximately

<math>\frac{9(e^{10}-1)}{10}\approx 19823<math>

In fact, this underestimates the actual number of polydivisible numbers by about 3%.

Counting polydivisible numbers

We can find the actual values of F(n) by counting the number of polydivisible numbers with a given length :-

Missing image
Blue- F(n); Purple-Estimate of F(n)
Length nF(n)Estimate of F(n)Length nF(n)Estimate of F(n)Length nF(n)Estimate of F(n)

There are 20,456 polydivisible numbers altogether, and the longest polydivisible number, which has 25 digits, is :-

360 852 885 036 840 078 603 672 5

Related problems

Other problems involving polydivisible numbers include :-

  • Finding polydivisible numbers with additional restrictions on the digits - for example, the longest polydivisible number that only uses even digits is
480 006 882 084 660 840 40
  • Finding palindromic polydivisible numbers - for example, the longest palindromic polydivisible number is
300 006 000 03
  • Enumerating polydivisible numbers in other bases.

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