Pierrot is a stock character of pantomime.
Pedrolino is zanni. He wore a loose white tunic with big buttons and white pantaloons, and his face was painted white. Pedrolino was a creation of Giuseppe Giaratone or Geratoni. The French character named Pierrot is a creation of Jean-Gaspard Deburau. Spelled "Pjerrot," the character is a fixture at Bakken, the world's oldest amusement park. Bakken literature claims that the character is more than 4,000 years old, and originated in Turkey. It is also claimed that in ancient times, the broad red mouth of the character was created by physically cutting the mouth to make it larger. Another Pierrot was created by Alexander Vertinskiy in Russia. His Pierrot wore black tunic and pantalons and sang sad songs in brothels.