Perfect solution fallacy
The perfect solution fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when an argument assumes that a perfect solution exists and/or that a solution should be rejected because some part of the problem would still exist after it was implemented.
Presumably, assuming no solution is perfect then no solution would last very long politically once it had been implemented. Still, many people (notably utopians) seem to find the idea of a perfect solution compelling, perhaps because it is easy to imagine.
- This "terrorist safety net" is a bad idea. Terrorists will still be able to get through!
- Yes, some terrorists would still be able to get through, but would it be worth stopping those terrorists that it would stop?
- These anti-drunk driving ad campaigns are not going to work. People are still going to drink and drive no matter what.
- It may not eliminate 100% of drunk driving, but is the amount by which it would reduce the total amount of drunk driving enough to make the policy worthwhile?
It is common for arguments that commit this fallacy to omit any specifics about how much the solution is claimed to not work, but express it only in vague terms. Alternatively, it may be combined with the fallacy of misleading vividness, when a specific example of a solution's failing is described in eye-catching detail and base rates are ignored (see availability heuristic).
The fallacy is a kind of false dilemma.
- Browne, M. N. & Keeley, S. M. (2004). Asking the Right Questions. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
External links
- Unobtainable perfection (