Particle detector
In experimental particle physics, a particle detector is a device used to track and identify high-energy particles, such as produced by nuclear decay, cosmic radiation, or reactions in a particle accelerator. Detectors designed for modern accelerators are huge, both in size and in cost. The notion counter is often used instead of detector.
Contents |
Types of detectors
Modern particle detectors are constructed from several of these types, often arranged similar to the layers of an onion. Each type forms a subsystem of the complete particle detector.
- Cloud chamber, Diffusion chamber
- Bubble chamber
- Photographic plates
- Photomultiplier
- Photodiodes
- Streamer tube
- Cherenkov detector,Aerogel detector
- RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector)
- Transition radiation detector
- Gaseous ionization detectors (Ionization chamber, Proportional counter, Geiger-Mueller tube)
- Scintillation counter
- Semiconductor detector
- Spark chamber,Wire chamber
- Drift chamber,Jet chamber
- Multiwire Proportional Chamber (MWPC)
- Straw chamber
- Silicon detector
- Time projection chamber (TPC)
- MicroStrip Gas Chamber (MSGC)
- Calorimeter
- Time of flight detector
Installations of particle detectors
At Colliders
- for LEP
- The ALEPH detector for LEP at CERN (
- L3
- for SPS
- The Gargamelle detector for SPS at CERN (
- The NA49 experiment investigating hadronic interactions at the CERN SPS (
- for LHC
- for LEP
- At Fermilab
- for Tevatron
- The CDF detector (
- D0
- for Tevatron
- for HERA
- The H1 Detector for HERA at DESY (
- for HERA
- for SLC
- The SLD detector at SLAC (
- for SLC
- Others
- The MECO detector at UC Irvine (
Without Colliders
See also
External references
General Information
- The Particle Detector BriefBook (
- How to Build a Cloud Chamber (