Papiamento Verbs
- admirá = to admire
- akseptá = to accept
- anhelá = to yearn (Dutch smachten)
- ansha = to hurry
- aserká = to near
- avisá = to advise
- baba = to drool, to drivle
- baha = to lower, to go down, to land, to embark
- bai = to go (from Port.vai, Port. verb, ir)
- baila, balia = to dance (Port. bailar/dançar, Span. bailar)
- banja = to shower, to take a bath
- basha = to pour (Dutch gieten, schenken)
- bari = to sweep (Port. varrer, Span. barrer)
- bati = to knock (Port. bater )
- bati man = to applaud
- bati bleki, bati redo = to gossip
- bebe = to drink (Port./Spanish beber)
- bende = to sell (Port. vender, Span. vender)
- biahá = to travel
- biba = to live (Port. viver, Spanish vivir)
- bin(i) = to come (Port. vir, Spanish venir)
- bira = to turn, to become
- bisa = to say (From Port./Span. avisar(warning), Port. dizer)
- bishitá = to visit (Port./Spa., Visitar))
- bisti = to dress
- bolbe = to return
- bora = to drill
- bringa = to fight
- bruha = to mix, to confuse
- bula = to jump, to fly (Port. pular/saltar)
- buska = to search
- cambia = to turn, to change (Span. cambiar)
- cansa = to tire
- canta = to sing
- casa = to marry (Port. vai casar, Span. va a casar)
- chansa = to joke
- choka = to strangle (Dutch wurgen)
- chupa = to suck
- come = to eat (Port. /Spanishcomer)
- conta = to tell, to count
- corda = to remember (Port./Span. recordar)
- costa = to cost
- cumpli = to complete
- cumpra = to buy
- cura = to cure
- haci cumpras = to go shopping (Spa., hacer compras/ comprar and Port., fazer compras/comprar))
- tin = to have (from Port.tem, Port. verb, ter)
- dal = to hit
- dal un baño = to bathe (from Port.,dar um banho, Port. verb, banhar, Span., dar un baño)
- desayuná = to breakfast
- deseá = to wish (Port. desejar, Span. desear)
- deskansá = to rest
- deskubrí = to discover
- despensá = to apologize
- debe = to owe
- dera = to bury
- disfrutá = to enjoy
- diskulpá = to apologize
- dividí = to divide (Dutch verdelen)
- divorshá = to divorce
- dobla = to fold, to bend
- drenta = to enter (Port./Span. entrar)
- drumi = to sleep (Port./Spa. dormir)
- duna = to give (Port. dar, Spanish donar/dar)
- dura = to last, to continue
- eduka = to teach
- eksigí = to demand, to require
- eksistí = to exist
- evitá ' = to avoid
- falta = to miss
- faya = to fail
- fayesé = to decease
- feita = to shave
- fia = to borrow, to lend
- forma = to form
- forsa = to force
- frakasá = to fail
- frega = to rub, to scrub
- frei = to make love
- frustia = to rust
- fula = to feel
- funkshoná = to run, to control (Port./Span. funcionar)
- gap = to yawn
- gana = to win (Spa. ganar, Port. ganhar)
- gaña = to lie (Spa. engañar, Port. enganar/mentir)
- grita = to shout (Port./Span. gritar)
- golpi = to push (Span. golpear, to hit)
- gosa = to amuse, having a good time
- guli = to swallow
- gusta = to like
- habri = to open (Port./Spa. abrir)
- hala = to pull (Span. halar/jalar)
- hanja = to find, to get
- hari = to laugh, to laugh at
- hari cu = to laugh with
- hasa = to fry
- hasi = to do
- hawa = to moisten
- haya = to get, to find (Span. hallar)
- herbe = to boil
- hiba = to take away (Port. levar, Span. llevar)
- hisa = to lift
- hole = to smell (Spanish, oler)
- horta = to steal
- huma = to smoke (Port./Span. fumar)
- hunga = to play (Port. jogar, Spanish jugar)
- hunto = to attend, to follow (Span. juntar, to gather)
- huzga = to judge
- inventá = to invent
- invitá = to invite
- kaba = to stop, to finish
- kai = to fall
- karishá = to caress
- ke, kier = to desire, to want (Port. quer/querer, Span. querer)
- keda = to stay
- kere = to believe (from Spanish creer, Port. verb, acreditar)
- kibra = to break (Port./Span. quebrar)
- kier = to want, to like
- kima = to burn
- kishiki = to tickle
- koba = to dig
- kobra = to collect, take payment, to charge
- kolga = to hang
- komprondá = to understand
- kore = to run, to drive
- korta = to cut
- kumindá = to greet
- kushiná = to cook
- laba = to wash (Port./Span. lavar)
- laga = to let
- landa = to swim
- lanta = to rise, stand up
- lesa = to read (Port. ler, Spanish leer)
- lijm = to glue
- limpiá = to clean (Port. limpar, Span. limpiar)
- logra = work out
- lora = to roll
- lubidá = to forget (Spanish, olvidar)
- lucha = to wrestle, to struggle
- mag = to may, to permit
- malkriá = to spoil
- mancha = to stain
- manda = to send, to command
- mara = to bind, to fasten
- mata = to kill
- mester = must
- midi = to measure
- mira, wak = to look at (Port. mirar/olhar, Span. mirar)
- morde = to bite, to sting
- muda = to move (house)
- muha = to wet, to moisten
- mustra = to exhibit, to show (Port. mostra, Spanish mostrar)
- muri = to die
- nenga = to deny, to refuse(Port./Span. negar)
- nister = to sneeze
- odia = to hate
- paga = to pay, to switch off
- palabrá = to date
- papia = to speak (Port. papear/falar)
- para = to stop, to stand (Port./Span. parar)
- pasa = to pass, to happen
- pega = to attach, to glue, to infect (Port. pegar/colar, Span. pegar)
- pela = to peel
- penja = to comb
- pensa = to think
- perde = to loose (Port./Span. perder)
- pidi = to ask (Port./Span. pedir)
- pika = to burn, to sting
- pisa = to weigh
- pleita = to quarrel
- pone = to put
- por = to be able to, can (Spa. poder)
- probecha = to profit
- puntra = to ask (a question)
- purba = to try, to taste
- pura = to hurry
- putri = to rot
- rabia = to be angry
- ranka = to pull, to tear
- ripará = to notice
- ripití = to repeat
- roba = to rob
- rondia = to search
- ronka = to snore
- sa, sabi = to know
- saca = to pull out, to get out, to throw up (Port./Span. sacar)
- sagudí = to shake
- salba = to save, to rescue
- sali = to depart, to go out (Span. salir)
- sangra = to bleed
- scucha = to listen (Port. escuta, Span. escuchar)
- seka = to dry
- selebrá = to celebrate
- sende = to light
- sera = to close
- sigui = to follow (Port./Span. seguir)
- sinja = to learn, to teach
- sinta = to sit (Port./Spa. sentar)
- sinti = to feel (Port./Span. sentir)
- sirbi = to serve, to fit
- skirbi = to write (Port. escrever, Span. escribir)
- soda = to sweat
- sonja = to dream
- sonrei = to smile (Port. sorrir, Span. sonreir)
- sosegá = to rest
- spera = to hope (Span. esperar)
- splika = to explain
- stima = to love (Port./Span. estimar/amar)
- studia = to study
- sunchi = to kiss
- supla = to blow
- ta = to be
- tende, tende na = to hear, to listen to
- tene = to hold
- tenta = to tease
- tin = to have
- tinja = to paint
- tira = to throw, to shoot
- toca = play (an instrument)
- topa = to meet
- tosa = to cough
- traha = to work (Port. trabalhar, Span. trabajar)
- tuma = to take
- verf = to paint
- wak = to see
- warda = to wait, to keep
- waya = to wave
- welga = to strike
- weita = to see
- yama = to call (Port. chamada, Span. llamada)
- yega = to arrive (Port. chegar, Span. llegar)
- yobe = to rain
- awa ta yobe = it's raining
- yora = to cry (Port. chorar, Span. llorar)
- yuda = to help
- yuna = to fast
- zoya = to swing
- zundra = to scold, to call names
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