Panzer Dragoon

Panzer Dragoon is a series of video game by SEGA, created first by its internal Team Andromeda and later, the Smilebit development team. Aside from the CRPG Panzer Dragoon Saga, the games are of the rail shooter genre. All games follow the story of a lone hero or heroine fighting an evil empire in a post apocalyptic world, whilst riding a Dragon. The games are also notable for using their own language - "Panzerese", consisting of a mixture or German, Japanese and Latin terms and syntax - during cutscenes, and an involving storyline that continues throughout the series.

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Panzer Dragoon

This first game in the series was released on the Sega Saturn in 1995, and later released on PC. It follows the story of Keil Fluge, a member of a hunter party who encounters a fight between two dragons, coloured black and blue. The rider of the blue dragon is mortally wounded in the battle, and entrusts his mission, as well as his dragon, the Solo Wing, to Keil. Keil must stop the Dark Dragon reactivating an ancient ruin...

The first game in the series introduced the basic features of the game, which has minimal control over the dragon, and have a choice of two main offences - a lock-on laser weapon, and a rapid fire gun weapon.

Panzer Dragoon Mini

Panzer Dragoon Mini was a Sega Game Gear game, released in 1996.

Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Panzer Dragoon Zwei (also known as Panzer Dragoon II) was released for the Sega Saturn in 1996. This game is a prequel is Panzer Dragoon. It followed the story of Lundi, who discovered a coolia, Lagi that has a green glow at its throat, and is growing wings...

This game introduced the berserk ability, where the player builds up a bar that gives them the ability to unleash a powerful attack. it also introduced the ability to choose multiple routes through levels, and these routes could cause the dragon to change shape, and alter the ending depending on the player's choices.

Panzer Dragoon Saga

Panzer Dragoon Saga (known as Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG in Japan) is the sole RPG in the series, released for the Sega Saturn in 1998. Edge is a guard at an exacavation site of the Empire, and whilst fending off an attack from a monster, encounters a girl embedded into a wall. The site is then attacked by the traitor Craymen, who murders Edge's companions and removed the girl, still embedded into the wall. Edge is attacked by one of Craymen's henchmen, and falls into a deep pit. In this pit he encounters a dragon, and his quest for vengance, and to discover who the girl was begins....

Panzer Dragoon Saga was an RPG, rather than a rail shooter. It translated the Panzer Dragoon game's shooting features into an RPG battle system, and greatly expanded the world the player could explore.

The U.S. and Europeans versions are perceived to be quite rare, with English copies of regularly been sold for over $200 on online auctions.

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Panzer Dragoon Orta is a Microsoft Xbox game, released in 2002 in Japan, and in 2003 in America and Europe. It follows the story of Orta, a teenaged girl being held captive in a town. When the town is attacked by the Empire, Orta is rescued by a Dragon, and encounters a drone Abbad. While tracking the drone, she discovers the truth behind her own origins, and helps to free the world from the tyranny of the empire.

This game introduced some features, such as the ability morph the dragon at will, and manuvering abilities from Panzer Dragoon Saga. It was the only game to be developed by Smilebit, instead of Team Andromeda. It also featured the original Panzer Dragoon game, and movies from the other games as unlockable bonus features.

Other Media

Soundtrack CDs were released in Japan for all the games, with Panzer Dragoon Orta's being bundled with the game itself. Toykopop released the Panzer Dragoon Orta soundtrack in the USA. An anime adaptation of the first game was released, the English version was released by ADV Films. An artbook from the second game, Die Welt Von Panzer Dragoon Zwei (The World of Panzer Dragoon Zwei) was also released.



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